Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Join me to expess your Joy of Expression

Join me in the expression of your Joy. That is what this site is about.

  • What do you express (do, say, paint, sing, gesture, work at accomplishing. etc.) that you love to do? For surely, then it means you are living the truth of who you are.
  • When you do, then it means that I and others can dialogue with you about what we each resonate to. In so doing, will we not quiver with the energy of joy? A nice way to spend our time being who we are, huh?
  • Feel free to write, too, about what gets in the way, for such blocks are better exposed to the light of day than being hidden beneath a wall of blockage that, at worst, ensures death to the joy of our hearts or be slowed down, causing tension, anxiety, sadness, or even depression.
  • Companionship with others on line can bring you into contact with those of like-kind. Such a connection accompanied by the inhalation of a deep breath will gently wear away any challenges, thinning the wall that blocks forward movement so that you can be free to be you. Then only time is needed to reach the manifestation of your expression. And that is good.

Let's see how we each do.

Until recently, I have been slogging through a mud path to re-creating my writing life. From non-fiction that sold to creative writing that couldn't make headway by being read by agents or publishers or find any traditional means to reach others, I am being blessed with an opportunity to go the route of Print on Demand (POD). Not a techie or detail person in the least, my most recent challenge required that I find someone with the skills to manage the production stage of POD. I could do the creative work and the sales and marketing. But, the middle tasks were totally beyond me.

So it meant partnering. That wasn't easy because I found it hard to discover someone(s) who could/would fill the gap. Finally, led from a friend of a friend, I found a couple worth trying. And, as we have honorably struggled at times, we are finding a mutual desire to accomplish goals that neither of us could achieve singularly. And that if good.

Talk to me and others who begin to share on this blog, and let's see what kinds of networking we can accomplish.


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